To be eligible for this offer, each customer must purchase valid AOC Monitors from authorised resellers and submit the online claim form within the specified dates.
- Complete the online claim form below.
- Attach a photo/scan/copy of your tax invoice (showing the seller’s ABN number).
- Attach a photo of the barcode label of each monitor, clearly showing the model number and serial number as per the below example:
- Your rewards will be sent to your applied address within 21 working days.
Terms and Conditions
- Valid Models:
Free GK480 Keyboard with per 27G4, Q27G4N, Q27G4F, Q27G4, Q27G3ZE, C27G4Z, CQ27G3Z, U27G3X, C32G2ZE, CQ32G4E purchased.
Free AGK600BR Keyboard with per Q27G3ZN, CU34G2XP, CU34G3S, U34G3XM/EU, AG275QXR, AG276QZD2, AG326UD, AG346UCD, AG493UCX2 purchased. - Eligible Claims:
- Purchase a Valid Model from 5 Dec 2024 to 5 Jan 2025.
- Submit a Claim by 12 Jan 2025.
- Each Customer may make One Claim only.
- If any Customer is deemed to have submitted excess Claims using multiple identities, such Claims may be rejected at the discretion of AOC Monitors. Please contact us to clarify such status before proceeding with any Purchase/Claim.
- This offer applies only to personal consumers. Purchases by a business entity will not be accepted.
- This promotion is for Australian Residents only. Purchases from overseas are not eligible: the Tax Invoice must list the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the seller and the GST amount.
- Claims will be deemed void if forged, manipulated or tampered with in any way.
- Incomplete or unclear applications will not be accepted.
- Bonus Keyboard may not be substituted, exchanged, sold, or redeemed for cash or other goods or services.
- Bonus Keyboard stock is limited. Claims will be processed in the order that they are received. AOC Monitors reserves the right to end this Promotion if all available stock is Claimed.
- AOC Monitors reserves the right to change these rules without notice. E&OE.
Online Information
- Visit AOC Australia’s authorised resellers to make your eligible purchase (view list at https://au.aoc.com/index/page/route/resellers.html)
- More information about Bonus GK480 Gaming Keyboard: https://au.aoc.com/product/GK480
- More information about Bonus AGK600BR Gaming Keyboard: https://au.aoc.com/product/AGK600BR
- If you require clarification of any terms and conditions prior to purchase, please email: info@aocmonitorspromotion.com
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